Gallery vs Home
I've been contemplating the concept of a gallery and what it means to me. I used to think of the gallery as a place for the elites . Their art is on display in halls, and their names are etched in history. I regarded the gallery as a symbol of success.
I recently travelled to Ghana and realised that art is a part of life in locations where it is part of the culture. You see it in their clothes, ceramics, architecture and more. They carry the art because it is engrained in the culture. It was lovely to see art in my aunt's house.
Despite the fact that I have had some success in getting my work presented in galleries, I no longer consider this to be a marker of sucess. And just because your work isn't displayed in galleries doesn't imply you're a failure. My goal with my art is for people to recognise themselves in it and for the ideas contained inside to resonate with my viewers.
I used to think that putting your art on commercial products meant that you were selling out. But I understand how much of an honour it is to have your print up in someone's home. That implies they've invited me into their home in some way. Alternatively, if they wear your art, it means they like it and see it as part of their style.
I create art and sell it on commercial products for the everyday people. There is no longer a distinction between house and gallery for me. The gallery is the home.